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Your TFT monitor visualises
safety relevant measured data.
With IconTrust® defined areas
are safely monitored!
The observer is immediately made
aware of abnormalities.
With IconTrust® you receive exclusively monitored data
wich you can trust.

IconTrust® - You can trust!  

SIL 3 Certified Driver Machine Interfaces.

IconTrust is the truly safe basis for all TFT displays which need to comply with a specific Safety Integrity Level (SIL).

DEUTA is a pioneer in the verified determination and display of speed values on Driver Machine Interfaces.

DEUTA as sole provider offers the combination of highly available, redundant displays, safe SIL 3 displays and SIL 2 input.

DEUTA / March 2024

Congratulation DEUTA-WERKE - 120 Years of worldwide safety

On the 1st March 1905, DEUTA was entered as Deutsche Tachometerwerke GmbH.

12 Years DEUTA

DEUTA / February 2024

News from DEUTA's worldwide quality network

Congratulations to our Chinese subsidiary DEUTA Railway Technologies Co, Ltd (DRT) on its successful certification in accordance with ISO 9001:2015!


DEUTA / November 2024

D-PowerView® - Three different operating systems on one DEUTA DMI

DEUTA proves with its D-PowerView® DMIs that it is indeed possible to run three applications - each with a different operating system.


DEUTA / September 2024

InnoTrans 2024

DEUTA will be celebrating three product anniversaries at InnoTrans 2024:
- 25 years of radar sensors
- 30 years of multifunctional terminals
- 15 years of IconTrust - safety technology up to SIL3


DEUTA / 2024

15 Years of IconTrust®

Since the launch of IconTrust® 15 years ago, DEUTA has pioneered display technology with an eye on the future and a finger on the pulse of the industry to deliver flexible yet economic technology.


200 Vehicles for NEWAG

DEUTA HMI Safety-Package with IconTrust® successfully assessed

The patented IconTrust-technology enters a new round: our product IconTrust with SelectTrust-function which already made more than 10,000 displays safe, has been re-engineered and bundled in the „DEUTA HMI Safety Package“ enabling us to respond even more flexibly and quickly to new requirements of our customers.

200 Vehicles for NEWAG

Siemens Mobility equips NEWAG vehicles with ETCS Level 2 and DEUTA IconTrust® terminals

Numerous ETCS projects have enabled Siemens Mobility and DEUTA to work well together. As a result, the three vehicle approvals for the Dragon and Griffin locomotives and the Impuls II multiple unit 3-part were obtained in record time.

Digital S-Bahn Hamburg project

Siemens Mobility counts on IconTrust® 

From autumn 2021, the first four suburban trains will run highly-automated operations on the 23-kilometre-long section between the Berliner Tor and Bergedorf stations. When equipping the rail vehicles with ETCS, Siemens Mobility relies on vehicle components from DEUTA-WERKE that meet Safety Integrity Level requirements.

New Office Building

DEUTA is expanding

DEUTA starts with a new office building for our research and development centre